Welcome Jeff Jones to the Mar Y Lana Familia! Jeff is an incredible photographer, creative, and storyteller on a mission to capture emotion, life, and truth within every photo. We are thrilled to interview him on his mission statement, sustainability, and slow life values.
1) What is your mission statement?
My mission is to capture imagery that inspires awe by invoking the emotions of the present moment, helping us to feel in touch with something greater than ourselves.
2) What does sustainability mean to you?
To me, sustainability means operating in a manner that allows for all parts of a given equation to balance in harmony -- both now, and in the future.
3) What does your ideal day look like?
My ideal day begins with my morning ritual -- coffee, stretching/light movement, and meditation. Other staples in no particular order are: time for visual creativity, outdoor movement (preferably climbing!) with a subsequent plunge into a cold creek or lake, and sharing delicious food with the ones dearest to me.
4) What does embrace the slow mean to you?
To me, embracing the slow tips a cap to all the juiciness that awaits when we de-pattern our societal need to get the next, newest, shiniest thing. The juiciness that comes with seeing the overwhelming beauty in each individual moment.
5) What is your favorite Mar Y Lana product?
The Crudo poncho, hands down -- rugged, warm, and beautiful!