Meet Lex {@lex.weinstein}

Meet Lex Weinstein. Lex is a conscious creative, surfer, and founder of Sea and Soil. Lex truly lives out her mission statement to live with radical joy and presence while cultivating space for meaningful play. We got the privilege of sitting down with Lex and talking about land stewardship, spiritual ecology, and the importance of slowing down. Enjoy.

What is your mission statement?

Cultivating a regenerative earth as stewards of land and sea. My mission statement is not separate from Sea and Soil's because this mission statement is integral to who I am.

What does your ideal day look like?

Waking up early and grounding down with a cup of tea. I then greet the sun and get into the sea for a surf. After spending time in the ocean, I cook a meal (hopefully garden fresh). In the middle of the day, I want to be creating and cultivating any projects that I have going on, which can be anything from writing, designing, modeling, or any form of visual storytelling. Resting is always something that I try to incorporate in my day, whether that's meditating, reading a book under a tree, or doing a tarot reading with a candlelit. I'd end the day off with sharing a meal with my community and laughing until our belly's hurt.

 What does Embrace the Slow mean to you?

It means pausing and embodiment. Living with slow life values means to live with the embodiment of presence. It means to slow down and feel the wind against your skin, to eat with intention, and to live with radical awareness in every moment.

The slow life is one that's maybe not the first to finish, but it's the most joyful and intentional. It's striving for a different goal outside of productivity and efficiency- it's aiming for meaning.

What does sustainability mean to you?

Sustainability, for me, is about awareness. It's about my awareness of my personal impact. I don't view sustainability as the finish line; I view it as the starting point. Sustainability, to me, is the bare minimum; my goal is regenerative practices. My goal is not to sustain what I've taken but to give back and nurture.

What advice would you give to someone just starting their sustainability journey?

My advice will sound strange, but I would recommend getting a journal and starting the inner dialogue of being aware of everything in your life. The first step is to observe how your environmental anxieties confront you and start giving attention to your lifestyle habits. It's about progress, not perfection; it's about connecting inward, which is accessible for everyone.

What advice would you give to a younger version of yourself?

It gets confusing, and it's easy to get lost when following a different path from everyone else. Still, you are doing what you know is right, and I promise you that it will all eventually make sense, and it will be so far beyond what you could have ever imagined.